Words, Works and Wonders


Oct. 24th, ’24


The BLESS Lifestyle: How to engage your congregation in a way that works for every gifting and personality

AUBREY KRAHNPastor, Church of the Rock – Winnipeg, Manitoba


Planting Dinner Churches

BRAD BRAMLET – Outreach Pastor, River City Church – Lewiston, Idaho


How to Start and Run an EAL (English as Additional Language) That Reaches the Unchurched
Workshop Speaker T.B.A.


Keys to Evangelizing a Post Christian Culture
Workshop Speaker T.B.A.


Oct. 25th, ’24

The BLESS Lifestyle: How to engage your congregation in a way that works for every gifting and personality

AUBREY KRAHN – Pastor, Church of the Rock – Winnipeg, Manitoba


Reaching Out from the Inner City

DALLAS & LEAH BEUTLER – Lead Pastors, The Rock Church – Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


Tools and Strategies for Mobilizing Your Church in Evangelism

ADAM SHEPSKI – Founder and Executive Director, Disciple a City – Peterborough County, Ontario


Reaching Young Adults By Building Authentic Relationships

TAMMY YOUNGINS Serves University of Manitoba in Winnipeg and Co-pastors with her husband Greg.
